In my practice, I strive to help adolescents, adults, and families identify where they can be the most effective in decreasing their distress. My clients come to address symptoms of anxiety, depression, grief, relationship issues, parenting concerns, and child/adolescent behavioral issues. I support them by creating a collaborative relationship in which I offer psycho-education, developmentally appropriate cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), parent-led CBT and a solid problem-solving approach to the issues.
I help by using CBT. Cognitive therapy provides the opportunity to identify and then challenge unhelpful thinking patterns. Behavior therapy supports effective reactions to situations in an effort to break down unhealthy patterns of behavior. I utilize Parent-Led Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to support families dealing with child/adolescent anxiety.
I help by using CBT. Cognitive therapy provides the opportunity to identify and then challenge unhelpful thinking patterns. Behavior therapy supports effective reactions to situations in an effort to break down unhealthy patterns of behavior. I utilize Parent-Led Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to support families dealing with child/adolescent anxiety.
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